Get Involved

Missing Justice is a volunteer run initiative that coordinates bi-annual marches for Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women Girls Trans & Two Spirit peoples (Oct 4th & Feb 14th), as well as other forms of direct support and awareness raising alongside these events. 

We meet regularly and would love to add to our team! If you are interested in volunteering, learning new skills, deepening your commitment to anti-racist anti-violence work please get in touch! 

If you would like to support Missing Justice by organizing an event or benefit please get in touch.   If you have an event idea or would like to volunteer, please contact us to find out more! 

Please email or use the form below .

Get in Touch

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We invite you to introduce yourself by sharing your name, pronouns, and community (land, place, connection).
ERPLibre • A picture with a caption


Website created at the  PrideHacks hackathon during August 7-9, 2020

Alex Nawotka - Visual Designer
Alexandre Ferreira Benevides - Website Integrator
Amanda Lickers - Project Supervisor
Carms Ng - Project Manager & Web Developer
Dayna Danger - Project Supervisor
Hector D Orozco Perez - Machine Learning Programmer 
Mathieu Benoit - Full Stack Developer & System Admin
Maria Isabel Lopez - Full Stack Developer
Marie-Michèle Poulin  - Translator, Redactor, Proof reader
Melis Cagan - Full Stack Developer